
   Our company has a couple of standards which are never overlooked in order to provide you with the best quality of seamen.

  • The content of the company’s application forms is totally accurate. All the info we provide you with, are crosschecked.More specifically the sea services are copied from the seaman's book.Any services, which are orally stated by the candidate, are not taken into consideration.Finally, a scanned photo is always included in each application form.
  • We always encourage our Principals to carry out an on-camera interview with the seamen. In that way, together with our measures, you eliminate the possibility of hiring unsuitable candidates.
  • Before conducting an interview with the seaman, we always contact the previous companies he has worked for, in order to obtain info as regards his performance.
  • The interviews for ascertaining Officers' abilities are conducted in a proper way and they are not equal to the simple filling in of a form, from which it is always concluded that the candidate is capable for the vacant position.
  • Every interview form is accompanied by the tutor’s comments on the candidate’s personality and character.
  • Regarding MARLINS/CES tests our company provides you with the relevant tests for every officer candidate.

By taking the above mentioned measures, we believe that we will gain your confidence and in this way we will establish an even better reputation.